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Defining EDI and Inclusive Excellence

Diversity is a state or condition that reflects the broad ‘mix’ and layers, of differences in any community. In the university setting, compositional diversity refers to the numeric and proportional representation of different peoples, across many intersecting dimensions of sociocultural group identities.

Inclusion is a sense of belonging and dignity, as well as the experience of meaningful engagement, empowerment, and equality of opportunity in any community. A climate of inclusion is made possible through the intentional and ongoing development of community awareness, knowledge, and skills, and the application of these competencies to enhance personal and interpersonal capabilities, as well as institutional culture and climate.

Equity may be considered both an approach and a process that recognizes the existence of systemic social inequalities and introduces actions to proactively reduce, if not remove, institutional structural and cultural barriers to equal opportunity and inclusion.

Inclusive excellence is a concept that recognizes the integral relationship between diversity and quality in research, teaching, service, and governance. It envisions diversity and quality as ‘two sides of the same coin’.