For information about booking appointments or speaking with staff please see our contact page. We will be closed during McMaster University holiday break end of the work day Dec 24, 2024 and will reopen Jan 6, 2025.
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Our Vision

The Equity and Inclusion Office (EIO) is a central resource where expertise is proactively drawn upon by administrators, faculty, staff, and students: to advance unit-specific and institutional equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility goals; to enact inclusive excellence principles; and to establish respectful living, learning, and working environments that are free from harassment and discrimination, and sexual violence including through timely and procedurally fair investigative and alternative dispute resolution processes.

The Equity and Inclusion Office (EIO) promotes and supports institution-wide commitments to equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility, and principles of inclusive excellence, to foster a campus culture and community that respect the human rights, integrity and dignity of all community members.

The Equity and Inclusion Office (EIO) has a broad mandate to work with campus and community partners: to proactively identify and address campus-wide systemic equity and inclusion issues; to play a central role in campus advising, awareness-raising, education and training on accessibility, equity and inclusion; and to support the development and implementation of policies and practices for effective, timely and procedurally fair response and resolution to incidents of harassment, discrimination, and sexual violence, including investigative services.

  • Integrity and Quality of Programs and Services:
    providing confidential, fair, consistent, transparent, timely, and informed programs and services 
  • Intersectional Approach to Community-Building:
    attending to the distinct needs marginalized groups and being responsive to how interlocking inequities impact marginalization, while engaging and building community
  • Transformative Change with Compassionate Critique:
    promoting relational and educational approaches to examining individual (personal) attitudes and behaviours, while urging systemic (structural and cultural) change

Programs & Services

Human Rights and Dispute Resolution Access Program

Provides confidential complaint resolution according to the policies on Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence.

Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education Access Program

Provides educational opportunities related to harassment, discrimination, anti-oppression, accessibility, accommodation, and other human rights-related issues.

Accessibility Program Access Program

Provides consultation and advice on the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to accessibility within the University’s systems, structures and policies.

Sexual Violence and Prevention Response Access Program

Provides inclusive and trauma informed response; prevention education and response training; community consultation and referral.