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Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education

Who We Are and What We Do!

The Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education Program is one stream of the Equity and Inclusion Office. The Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education Program specializes in providing education and support regarding race, equity and inclusion, and human rights. The team is comprised of:

The Manager of Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education who delivers Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), anti-racism, and human rights education, supports EDI strategic planning at McMaster, as well provides consultations around best practices for EDIAD initiatives for departments, programs, and groups at McMaster. And the Anti-Black Racism Education and Programming Coordinator, that supports and specializes on Anti-Black Racism Education, strategic planning, consultations and supports.

The Inclusion and Anti-Racism team researches and shares promising practices and strategies which inform our suite of program offerings. We offer:

  • Suite of educational workshops
  • Partnered Discussion groups and special events
  • Consultation meetings
  • Human rights Dispute Resolution Program warm referrals

Unique to our program is the stream of Anti-Black Racism Initiatives and Education. Specifically, we offer:

  • Anti-Black racism educational workshops and resources
  • Warm referrals to intake offices or informal supports for disclosures of anti-Black racisms
  • Advocacy and Initiative building for Black students, programs, and centers at McMaster University
  • Anti-Black Racism Strategic Planning (ie. Black History Month, Scarborough Charter)

While the Inclusion and Anti-racism team caters to students, staff and faculty members of McMaster but, we are also dedicated to bridging and building EDI and anti-racism work within the wider Hamilton Community. To learn more of our offerings, please browse the drop-down descriptors below



We are currently re-designing our live educational offerings. Check back in Spring/Summer 2024.

All other program offerings are available!

The Equity and Inclusion Office’s new asynchronous training module, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIA) Fundamentals is launching May 2024! We are excited for you to engage with this foundational content which will replace the live delivery of EDIA fundamentals from our team.

The EDIA Fundamentals module is a 5-part module, designed by the Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education Program at the Equity and Inclusion Office, to provide the community with an accessible, multi-media formats to learning about EDIA, Anti-Racism, and Anti-Oppression with a spot light on Anti-Black Racism in Higher Education. Each “part” is thematically organized to contain a mixture of narrative, video and audio-narrated slide deck content, with activities to ground your learning in a flexible and digestible fashion.

In totality, the mandatory portions of the module should take approximately 3 hours to complete, and there is a short evaluation in the form of a quiz at the end, to recall your knowledge and to successfully complete this educational offering. This module will be hosted on avenue to learn and you can enroll in the module on Mosaic.

Enrollment Instructions: 

To enroll in the EDIA Fundamentals module, you must access MOSAIC through the use of your MAC ID and usual password. First, click on the “Regulatory Trainings” tile on the MOSAIC homepage, then the “Search By Course Name” hyperlink. You will be lead to a course search page. Type in “EDIA” and the fundamentals page should populate. To formally enroll, click on “View Available Sessions” and follow the mosaic prompts to formally enroll. The course will take about 1-2 business days to appear on your Avenue to Learn as a course!

If you are experiencing difficulties enrolling, require more guidance, or would like an alternative format of instructions to enroll, please email

Before you fill out the education request form for our synchronous in-person or online education offerings, the Inclusion and Anti-Racism team asks that you engage with our booking guidelines, for a seamless educational experience.

Before you fill out the education request form, first: 

  1. Ensure you and your team have engaged with EDIA fundamental trainings from the Inclusion and anti-racism team within the last 2 years OR have completed the new asynchronous module on EDIA fundamentals. Please note: this is a mandatory pre-requisite before engaging with our synchronous offerings  
  2. Explore the available topics of synchronous group topics, starting from level two topics, and decided upon one topic of interest with your team
  3. Ensure you are requesting no less than 3 weeks in advance
  4. Have an idea of whether you would like this training workshop to be delivered in person or online, on zoom or teams. Please note: the Inclusion and Anti-Racism team does not service hybrid training requests at this time. 
  5. Are willing to engage in a workshop that is no less that 60 minutes, in terms of time commitment
  6. Have at minimum, 10 individuals confirmed for in person trainings, that will be attending this training workshop. Requests for training with less than 10 individuals will be serviced with an online synchronous meeting OR asynchronous resources and materials

After you fill out the education request form, come prepared to your introductory meeting to discuss: 

  1. Physical space and equipment: the requesting party is responsible for any room booking, ensuring the room has good natural lighting and some level of privacy, and A/V Equipment including microphones and methods to project PowerPoints through HDMI
    1. we ask that rooms are bookings add “buffer time” of 30 minutes before and after the in-person training workshop to assist with tech set up and tear down and any logistical discussions
  2. Online space and equipment: the Inclusion and Anti-racism team will be responsible for producing any online zoom or teams links and will circulate it to the requesting party primary contact. The requesting parties primary contact is responsible for circulating the link to those who are looking to attend this training workshop.
  3. Registration and promotions: the requesting party is responsible for managing their own registration and promotions
    1. for workshops that are non-mandatory, you are responsible for notifying the inclusion and anti-racism team 2 business days prior to the training date, if registration numbers do not meet our minimum requirement of 10 individuals for in-person training
    2. the requesting party is responsible for their own reminder emails leading up to the training date
    3. the requesting party is responsible for supplying their own refreshments and foods during the training, if this is desired
  4. Training topics of interest: as mentioned above, we ask that you discuss and agree upon, prior to your meeting with the Inclusion and Anti-Racism team, your training goals and intended learning outcomes with your team. We ask that you browse our synchronous in person or online educational offerings, starting from Level two content and choose one* topic. The Inclusion and anti-racism team does not blend topics. Should you want to explore more than one topic, let us know in your program request form in additional relevant information and during our introductory meeting, we can discuss planning out and scaffolding across dates and times, a suite of educational trainings and offerings with you.

We are currently re-designing a new suite of educational offerings with new topics that respond to the campus community needs. Check back Summer/Fall 2024 for a brand new list of topics!

We are still delivering our legacy topics in a virtual or in-person synchronous formats. We are happy to deliver a pre-designed workshop on any of the following topics:

  • Microaggressions, Bias, Stereotypes and Impacts on Belongingness
  • Bystander Intervention for Instances of Racism and Oppression
  • Creating Psychologically Safe Environments
  • Anti-Racist Principles to Recruitment and Retention
  • Unpacking Black Racial Trauma and Supporting Black Individuals in the Pedagogy
  • Black Intersectionality 101

If you are interested in any of these topics, you can request through this form:


Various departments, offices, and groups at McMaster are working on initiating and championing EDI initiatives of their own. Our team appreciates a de-centralized approach to EDI work, and we are happy to consult and suggest additional best practices to your EDI and anti-racism initiatives and planning that may be underway. The type of consultations the general Inclusion and Anti-Racism team provides are:

  • Reviewing EDI strategic planning, climate surveying, and processes of EDI committee building specific to your department/office
  • Reviewing and consulting on EDIA Recruitment and Retention plans
  • Reviewing educational development/training specific to equity, anti-racism, and AOP created by your office
  • Reviewing and providing best practices for stimulation and/or supporting affinity groups
  • Safety planning for events

As mentioned, we also have a suite of consultation services, specific to our Anti-Black Racisms Education and Initiatives Programming Portfolio. The type of consultations provided, specific to the anti-Black racisms portfolio are:

  • Reviewing Anti-Black Racism philosophy and EDIA statements
  • Consulting on the creation of Black-focused supportive spaces and trauma informed approaches to supporting Black students, staff, and faculty
  • Reviewing educational development/training specific to anti-Black racism, created by your office
  • Reviewing pedagogical materials for facilitating dialogues about anti-Black racism

Inclusion and Anti-Racism Consultation Request Form

Partnered Discussion Groups and Special Events

Interested in partnering with our office on community building discussions and equity related events? Our team is open to assisting you in designing and facilitating EDIA and anti-racism focused discussion groups and/or events. By partnered discussions and events, we mean collaborating with you in the design elements of your event or initiative.

The Inclusion and Anti-Racism team has a legacy on campus of supporting educational events and initiatives, team building initiatives and events, or fun socials through awesome groups on campus such as the Presidents Advisory Committee on Building and Inclusive Community (PACBIC), the Black and Indigenous Racialized Employee Resource Group (BIRS-ERG), Black History Month at Mac (BHMatMAC), Black Student Success Center, DeGroote Women in Business, and many more!

Please note: we do not fulsomely plan an event or initiative for you, in regards to administrative and logistical tasks, sponsorship, or full programming.

We do: 

  • Consult on safety planning, accessibility mapping, and risk management
  • Consult on financial planning and event mapping
  • Assist with event marketing and circulation
  • Consult on Marketing Materials
  • Consult on financial avenues to leverage to assist with financial management
  • Assist with event or initiative descripts with a lens of EDIA or tackling anti-Black racism

Inclusion and Anti-Racism Team Partnered Events and Initiatives Request Form

Human Rights Navigation and Referrals

McMaster University has processes and policies to support you, should you be experiencing discrimination or harassment. The Blue Folder is a printable guide designed for students, staff and faculty with information on what constitutes discrimination and harassment as well as processes to address these incidences.

Please Note: The Inclusion and Anti-Racism team is not a formal or informal investigation office or intake office, therefore we do have limits to receiving confidential disclosures and limits to providing navigational support to those experiencing discrimination or harassment on campus. We do not function in lieu of: therapeutic or mental health supports, advocacy around a claim or investigation, or book individuals with additional supports.

How can we support: We do educate on the harassment and discrimination policy at McMaster in a trauma informed manner and provide guidance on how to book with one of several intake offices on campus, should you wish to explore further options. The Inclusion and Anti-Racism team can provide a warm referral to our Human Rights Dispute Resolution Team, who can have confidential discussions about your resolution options, launch an investigation of formal complaint and facilitate dispute resolution. To learn more about the offerings of the Human Rights Dispute Resolution Team, please visit this link: Human Rights Dispute Resolution Team

For more formal supports, we encourage you to explore the following: 

On Campus Intake Offices or Informal Supports: 

Off Campus Supports: 

Multicultural Calendar by day  

2024 Calendar theme: “Power of Inclusion”