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Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education Program
Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education Program Request Form
Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education Program Request Form
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What Department/Faculty/Student Group is requesting the service?
FOR TRAINING REQUESTS: Who is receiving this training?
Faculty Members
Community Members
Research/Institution Groups
FOR TRAINING REQUESTS: What is the projected number of people receiving this training?
FOR TRAINING REQUESTS: How would you like the training to be delivered?
In person, synchronous
Virtually, synchronous
Pre-recorded video, asynchronous
FOR TRAINING REQUESTS: Please detail any additional accessibility needs for delivering training
FOR TRAINING REQUESTS: How much time can be dedicated to this training
60 minutes
90 minutes
120 minutes
Half Day Training
Full Day Training
FOR TRAINING REQUESTS: Please choose an educational offering of interest after reading our workshops tab on our website. It's best if you work your way up the grouped offerings, rather than trying to mix across groups, to ensure the foundations of EDI can be built thoroughly with your team. (A pro tip: a) ask your group what their priorities are and what they would like to learn before selecting topics, b) try to limit to one workshop so the engagement with the topic can by thorough and well paced)
G1: EDI and Human Rights Fundamentals
G1: Power, Privilege and Oppression
G1: Exploring Identity and Social Location
G1: Anti-Black Racism in Higher Education and Hamilton
G2: Experiencing, Witnessing, and/or Perpetuating Microaggressions
G2: Language, Stereotypes, Intent vs. Impact
G2: Implicit and Unconscious Bias
G2: Black Racial Trauma in Higher Education
G3: Bystander Intervention, Intervening in Instances of Discrimination and Harassment
G3: Creating Safe and Inclusive Spaces
G3: Interpersonal and Organizational Allyship
G3: Supporting Black Individuals in Higher Education
FOR CONSULTATION REQUESTS: Please indicate a broad category where consultation is required.
Strategic planning: climate surveying, EDI committee building, EDI champion/best practices, reviewing policies and procedures
Recruitment and Retention: Equitable and Unbiased Interviewing, Diverse Recruitment, Job Descriptions
Educational Development and Progression: best practices, topics in light of departmental culture and climate
Planning for initiatives and events with accessibility, safety and inclusion
FOR CONSULTATION REQUESTS: please feel free to add additional information relevant to your request
FOR DISCUSSION GROUPS, EVENTS AND INITIATIVES: Please indicate a broad category for a partnered event and/or initiative
Facilitation of group/team discussions around topics of EDI and Anti-Racism
Partnering/Sponsoring and EDI and/or Anti-Racism Event, conference, research, or symposium
Facilitating and Planning a EDI and/or Anti-Racism event or Initiative specific to your group/faculty/department
FOR DISCUSSION GROUPS, EVENTS AND INITIATIVES: please feel free to add additional information relevant to your request
Please provide an email address with the primary contact(s) for a consultation meeting to further discuss this your request.