Chasity Martin currently resides and works on Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. She is employed at Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Service and recently transitioned from the acting Love Starts With Us Program Coordinator/Counselor to the Family Court Support Worker position. She has attended Mohawk College, Brock University and is currently completing her studies in the Bachelor of Social Work Program, minoring in Indigenous Studies, at Wilfrid Laurier University. Chasity has been a part of the MMIWGMB2S initiative since the murder of her Auntie, Paula Joy Martin, in 1996.
Priscilla de Villiers is a leading Canadian advocate on crime victim issues. In 1992 she founded CAVEAT (Canadians Against Violence Everywhere) after the abduction and murder of her daughter Nina de Villiers (a McMaster undergraduate student at the time) by a sexual predator who was out on bail. In response to the public outcry at murders and assaults of women and children across the country, CAVEAT circulated a national petition urging measures to prevent and respond to the plight of vulnerable victims of violence. More recently,
Priscilla co-founded the Victim Justice Network, an online information network providing a hub for existing networks, organizations and academics to promote and share emerging information across multi-disciplinary platforms to better initiate and enhance resources for victims of crime.