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Human Rights and Dispute Resolution Program

Information Box Group

Blue Folder Access PDF

A printable guide designed for students, staff and faculty with information about McMaster University’s Discrimination & Harassment process

Gold Folder Access PDF

A printable guide designed for students, staff and faculty with information about sexual violence prevention and responding to disclosures of sexual violence

Expandable List

An appointment with a member of the Human Rights Program may be booked by phone, email, or in person.


Limits to Confidentiality

The University will share identifying information only in circumstances where it is necessary in order to administer this Policy, to address safety concerns, or to satisfy a legal reporting requirement.  In such circumstances, the minimum amount of information needed to allow such concerns to be addressed, or to meet such requirements, will be disclosed.  Such circumstances include those where:

  1. an individual is at risk of harm to self;
  2. an individual is at risk of harming others;
  3. there are reasonable grounds to be concerned about risk of future violence or the safety of the University and/or broader community;
  4. disclosure is required by law, for instance, suspected abuse of someone under the age of 16, reports of intimate partner/domestic violence or to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, or with human rights legislation; and/or
  5. to comply with the reporting requirements of regulatory bodies and/or professional licensing bodies.

For more detail about confidentiality and its limits in relation to a complaint of discrimination or harassment, see Section III of the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy.

The Human Rights and Dispute Resolution (HRDR) Program of the Equity & Inclusion Office is one of four intake offices administering complaints under the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy, and the Sexual Violence Policy.

The other intake offices for these policies are: